Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/93

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all that he did. By the remorse of Judas it was shown that he knew Christ to be true; and by the death of Judas it was proved, in the sight of all the people, that guilt and punishment were with the enemies of Jesus, and innocence and triumph with him and with his followers. By the guilt of his life and the horror of his death Judas testified to the Lord, no less than his brethren by their holiness and joy.

Thou hast declared, said Havilah, that no more prophets shall come. Shall there also be no more apostles?

I believe that to no more shall be given the power of working miracles. But by the Gospel it is given to every true believer to be, in some sense, an apostle. It is given to all to show forth in themselves the purity which Jesus taught, and the hope which he gave. It is given to all to declare how great is the favor of God in teaching men the truth, and in offering to them a happier life than this, beyond the grave. If Christians are strong in faith, and fervent, and pure, and gentle, like Paul, and Peter, and John, and if like them they labor diligently to give of their faith to others, they may enjoy as much favor from above, and as much peace from within, as if they had been Apostles indeed.