Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/95

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suddenly. He said therefore to the child, Why is Aza here?

I know not, said the boy, still weeping; — when I found him, I pulled aside his robe and asked him to go with me into the field: but he bade me leave him, and come not to him again till tomorrow, because he mourns for the dead this day.

We will therefore depart, said Eber: — no eye should watch the mourner when his desire is to be alone.

But, said the boy, I cannot water the plants in my garden unless Aza help me. And who will tell me of the birds, and of the stars, if Aza be away? And I cannot sleep at noon unless he be beside me. O, if tomorrow were come!

Eber comforted the child and led him to the spring, and poured water upon his fruit trees and flowers. Then he sat down in the shade, and took the child between his knees and talked with him.

For whom is Aza mourning this day? he asked.

I suppose it is for his sons who are dead, answered the child. He told me that his sons were once like me, and he used to talk to them