An insecure possession is no blessing;
It drains our strength, exhausts our energy.
What is secure on earth? We only can
Fulfil our duty, leave the rest to God.
Man acts and God assists, yet here we must
Leave all to God, as we can nought accomplish.
Can we not seize our trusty swords and fight
And die like men, if nothing else avails?
'Twere madness to expect, that single-handed
Or with a few thou couldst oppose nine millions.
Not single-handed, not a few, my friend!
Three thousand of our countrymen we count
In this domain, each equal to ten thousands
Of Mexicans through strength of will and hope,
Through love of freedom and through trust in God.
Here round us stand our countrymen in silence,
Which louder yet than futile words proclaims
The stout resolve that thrills their gallant hearts.
Ask each, if he no sooner gave his blood,