Required to lay a firm foundation wall
Whereon to frame a happy life; such ground,
Is wealth, is rank, are family connections.
These once obtained, their benefits secured.
Life's other Graces follow in their wake.
The first two are e'en now in my possession;
Through prudent husbandry and skilful trade
I have amassed a fortune, while my title,
Well-earned in service, will command respect.
So it is caste alone, which I still need,
That shall wipe out my offspring's low descent
And link my name with races of renown.
For it must be a glorious consciousness
To trace one's lineage upward on the rounds
Of generations to the grayest age.
This latter to secure depends on thee.
Depends upon thy alliance with the scion
Of some old house whom thy accomplishments,
Thy wealth, thy father's rank will easily
Secure for thee. Therefore it is my plan:
That we return to the United States,
My native country, as it was thy mother's,
There settle down in ease and affluence,
And self-contented, envied and respected.
Ascend the smooth and level road that leads
Into the hermitage of our old age.
How long ere thou wilt enter on this journey?