A coward hurls his bold defiance only
When feeling him secure. Thou knowest well
That striking thee, I also strike my daughter.
A despot rarely makes such nice distinctions.
That I do make them proves thy word as false.
Words oft must serve as substitutes for truth.
Enough, this idle interchange of speech
Which neither mitigates the culprit's guilt,
Nor elevates the judge's majesty.
The packet-boat lies ready at the wharf,
To-morrow even to convey from here
To Vera Cruz thee and thy fellow rebels
For trial at the court of Mexico.
Your death is certain; for the Mexicans,
Justly embittered o'er the foreigners
Who wantonly disturb the peaceful realms
Of their domain by stirring strife and discord,
Long since have clamored, that a stern example
Of justice should be meted out to them.
Therefore, I ween, they hardly will forgive me