And turned our cannon 'gainst our barrack-doors.
Flight or resistance are alike in vain.
Oh, my presentiment! Why slept our guards,
And failed to mark the enemy's approach ?
Close all the gates immediately and place
Two men at every window ; then collect
The others in the corridor below,
Prepared for the sortie I myself shall lead.
[The officers rush out, Bradburn having locked the room, the key of which he leaves in the lock, follows them.]
What have I heard? My countrymen are here?
Have occupied their ramparts, seized their guns ?
Can it be true, and should the blessed hour
Of my deliverance have—approached so soon?
{{right|He goes to the window.] Yes ! it is true ! for there they stand! God bless them!
[He waves his pocket-handkerchief]
Hail, hail, my brave, my faithful comrades, hail!
To save your friends from prison and from death
You have not lost an hour, but thrown aside
Your comfort, your employments and your safety.
Your friendly service to repay, may soon
An opportunity arise for me!—
But is it possible? and see I right?