rish, Benlora, Glenfadden, with several of the chief vassals of Maclean, are discovered in a recess, formed by projecting rocks, at the bottom of the Stage, engaged in earnest discourse, from which they move forward slowly, speaking as they advance.
We are compell'd to this.
That ne'er a man amongst us can securely
His lands possess, or say, "My house is mine,"
While, under tutorage of proud Argyll,
This beauteous sorceress our besotted chief
By soft enchantment holds?
(Laying his hand on the First Vassal.)
My brave Glenore,
What are thy good deserts, that may uphold thee
In favour with a Campbell?—Duncan's blood,
Slain in his boat, with all its dashing oars
Skirting our shore, while that his vaunting piper