Page:The Fatal Garland - Swarnakumari Devi (2e).pdf/16

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been written by a Bengali lady, and we should no more hesitate to call it one of the ablest in the whole literature of Bengal."

The extract given below appeared in the Hindu of Madras later on:

"Never before in Bengal did a lady-writer of such real power and ability appear and shed such a lustre on the literature of her country."

These are only two out of numerous equally favourable notices, and will serve to show with what a feeling of sincere admiration the Indian literary public greeted her first efforts. Since then some of her works have been translated into various Indian languages, and I am glad that they are now appearing in English.

It is difficult for us foreigners to judge of the merits of the translation, but I sincerely trust that the spirit of the original has been preserved in this book.