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Page:The Federal and state constitutions v3.djvu/385

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or persons, of in or belonging to ye territoryes or islands aforesaid in or touching any judgment or sentence to be there made or given.

And further that it shall and may be lawfull to and for our said dearest brother his heires and assignes by these presents from time to time to nominate make constitute ordaine and confirme by such name or names stile or stiles as to him or them shall seeme good and likewise to revoke discharge change and alter as well all and singular Governors officers and Ministers which hereafter shall be by him or them thought fitt and needfull to be made or used within the aforesaid parts and islands and also to make ordaine and establish all manner of orders lawes directions instruccons formes and ceremonyes of government and magistracy fitt and necessary for and concerning the government of the territoryes and islands aforesaid so alwayes as the same be not contrary to the lawes and statutes of this our Realme of England but as neare as may be agreeable thereunto and the same at all times hereafter to put in execucon or abrogate revoke or change only within the precincts of the said territoryes or islands but also upon the seas in going and coming to and from the same as he or they in their good discrecons shall thinke to be fittest for the good of the adventurers and inhabitants there And wee do further of our speciall grace certaine knowledge and meere mocon grant ordaine and declare that such governors officers and ministers as from time to time shall be authorized and appointed in manner and forme aforesaid shall and may have full power and authority to use and exercise martiall law in cases of rebellion insurreccon and mutinie in as large and ample manner as our Lieutenants in our countyes within our Realme of England have or ought to have by force of their commission of Lieutenancy or any law or statute of this our Realme

And wee do further by these presents for us our heires and successors grant unto our said dearest brother James Duke of Yorke his heires and assigns that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said James Duke of Yorke his heires and assignes in his or theire discrecons from time to time to admit such and so many person and persons to trade and traffique unto and within the terrytoryes and islands aforesaid and into every and any part and parcell thereof and to have possesse and enjoy any lands or hereditamenst in ye parts and places aforesaid as they shall thinke fitt according to the lawes orders constitucons and ordinances by our said brother his heires deputyes commissioners and assigns from time to time to be made and established by vertue of and according to the true intent and meaning of these presents and under such condicons reservacons and agreements as our said brother his heires or assignes shall set downe order direct and appoint and not otherwise as aforesaid And wee do further of ous especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere mocon for us our heires and successors give and grant to our said deare brother his heires and assignes by these presents that it shall and may be lawfull to and for him them or any of them at all and every time and times hereafter out of any of our realmes or dominions whatsoever to take leade carry and transport in and into their voyages and for and towards the plantacons of our said territoryes and islands all such and so many of our loving subjects or any other strangers being not prohibited or under restraint that will become our loving subjects and live under our alegiance as shall willingly accompany them in the said voyages together with all such cloathing implements