Page:The Federal and state constitutions v6.djvu/57

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Rhode Island—1842

applied to the support of the public schools therein: Provided, that such tax assessed upon any person who has performed military duty shall be remitted for the year he shall perform such duty; and said tax asesssed upon any mariner for any year while he is at sea, or upon any person who by reason of extreme poverty is unable to pay said tax, shall upon application of such mariner or person be remitted. The general assembly shall have power to provide by law for the collection and remission of said tax.

Sec. 3. This amendment shall take in the constitution of the state, the place of sections 2 and 3 of article II, “Of the qualification of electors,” which said sections are hereby annulled.

Article VIII

(Adopted June 20, 1889)

Article V of the amendments to the constitution of this state is hereby annulled.

Article IX

(Adopted November 8, 1892)

Section 1. Hereafter the general assembly may provide by general law for the creation and control of corporations: Provided, however, that no corporation shall be created with the power to exercise the right of eminent domain, or to acquire franchises in the streets and highways of towns and cities, except by special act of the general assembly upon a petition for the same, the pendency whereof shall be notified as may be required by law.

Sec. 2. This amendment shall take in the constitution of the state the place of section 17 of article IV, “Of the legislative power,” and shall be deemed to be in amendment of said section and article.

Article X

(Adopted November 28, 1893)

Section 1. In all elections held by the people for state, city, town, ward, or district officers, the person or candidate receiving the largest number of votes cast shall be declared elected.

Sec. 2. This amendment shall take in the constitution of the state the place of section 10 of article VIII, “Of elections,” which said section is hereby annulled.

Article XI

(Adopted November 6, 1900)

Section 1. There shall be a session of the general assembly at Providence commencing on the first Tuesday of January in each year. The senators and representatives shall severally receive the sum of five dollars, and the speaker of the house of representatives ten dollars, for every day of actual attendance, and eight cents per

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