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Page:The Female-Impersonators 1922 book scan.djvu/95

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Reasons for Melancholia.

Can the reader conjure up any worse fate for a youth than to make the startling discovery that he, though extremely conscientious and offenceless, is a type of sexual cripple that has always been regarded by the sexually full-fledged—because of their ignorance and Phariseeism—as the lowest of the low, a monster of wickedness, and an outcast from society?

Can the reader conjure up any worse fate for a girl—and a very high-strung one—than for Nature to disguise her as a boy, and foreordain that she should be brought up as a boy and be, at school, office, etc., always shut up with the sterner sex?

Can the reader conjure up any worse fate for a girl than to be doomed to pass through life incarnated in a male body? How grief -provoking for a mademoiselle to be cursed with a slight growth of hair on lip

    to have been blessings in disguise. My life experience has demonstrated that "there is a Providence that shapes our ends, rough-hew them as we will." My life experience has demonstrated that the biblical teachings about human life are in general true, and that either the Christian or Jewish religion is practically necessary to save from despair and suicide men and women foreordained to drain the cup of anguish to the dregs. My personal faith in Christian doctrine, and my habit, instilled in infancy, of "taking everything to God in prayer," have saved me from suicide a thousand times and made the deepest of sorrows tolerable.

    The upshot of my very exceptional life experience is: (1) "Praise God from whom all blessings flow;" and (2) Even pain, sorrow, and death are blessings in disguise. The heart of the universe is beneficent.

    As I have had an unusual religious experience, one of the numerous books I plan to write, if my life is spared, will be entitled: MY SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I have made many discoveries in religion and ethics which I long to proclaim to the world. As already stated, I have always been ultra-religious and a deep student of the Bible. Another book I plan to write will be entitled: THE BIBLE AND THE SEXUAL INSTINCT. In the latter I will seek to demolish the Church's chief stumbling-block. As already stated, I was cut out for a preacher.