at the back of a counter, displaying the beauties of a lady's bandeau, or commenting upon the device of a fan.
Fie upon such conduct! let men act like men, and, as men of honour, support the dignity of their character. To hear them talk, they profess the finest feelings; but what do all these professions tend to? is it not an apparent solecism, that the same person, in the very moment they profess to be friends to civil society, should be loading the defenceless with unheard-of oppression? But let us, if you please, develope these assertions in the full light of impartial truth.
An Imitation from Horace.
"What applause is not due to that excellent youth,
"(The last and the best of Darius's pages)
"Who wisely and nobly contended that truth
"Is the majesty, kingdom, and power of all ages."
"How different the wretch, who to right prefers wrong
"To the guilt of his lie adding treason.
"For surely the miscreant, whose treacherous tongue
"Rebels against Truth, is a traitor to Reason.