$0 NAPOLEON. Chap. XII. one assent unto the sea, and the sea herself eb- beth and floweth at her stated periods and ap- pointed seasons ! The thunders roll, and the hills re-echo the terrible voice thereof! 20 The storm rageth on the face of the great waters, and in the darkness of the night ! 21 The mountains are shaken from their foun- dations, and laid low ; and the rallies are raised up in their stead ! 22 The sun, moon, and stars, perform their glo- rious and appointed revolutions, and all the works of creation proceed in beauteous and re- gular order ! 23 Ye rivers, why do ye glide into the ocean, sea, why dost thou ebb, and flow, and raise thy mighty billows to the skies ? 24 Ye mountains, why do ye tremble and sink low, ye vallies why are ye exalted ?