some teasing words, half in jest, half in earnest; then he began to speak in glowing terms of Spain, picture followed picture in rapid succession; he ended by cursing the small town at their feet. His first remarks Petra followed with beaming eyes; the second made her ears tingle, while her eyes wandered up and down a gold chain, wound twice about his neck.
“Just look!” said he, rapidly, as he drew forth the end of the chain, to which was attached a gold cross. I brought this with me to-night to show the singing society; it came from Spain. You must hear its history.”
And then he told it.
“When I was in the south of Spain I went to a shooting match, and won this prize. It was handed to me with these words: ‘Take it home with you to Norway and bestow it, in token of the respectful homage of Spanish cavaliers, on the fairest woman in your native land.’ Then came shouts and fanfares, banners waved, cavaliers applauded, and I accepted the gift.”
“Oh, how delightful!” burst out Petra; for before her vision there rose a beaming picture of the Spanish festival, with the Spanish colors and songs, while the dark-hued Spaniards stood at the foot of vine-clad hills in the even-