Page:The Five Nations.djvu/164

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Then Satan said to Dives:—"Return again with me,
"Who hast broken His Commandment in the day He set thee free,
"Who grindest for thy greed,
"Man's belly-pinch and need;
"And the blood of Man to filthy usury!"

Then softly answered Dives where the money-changers sit:—
"My refuge is Our Master, O My Master in the Pit;
"But behold all Earth is laid
"In the peace which I have made,
"And behold I wait on thee to trouble it!"

Then angrily turned Satan, and about the Seas he fled,
To shake the new-sown peoples with insult, doubt, and dread;
But for all the sleight he used
There was never squadron loosed,
And the brands he flung flew dying and fell dead.