Page:The Flora of British India Vol 4.djvu/15

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xcv. asclepiadeæ. (J. D. Hooker.)

4. BRACHYLEPIS, Wight & Arn.

A pubescent or tomentose twining shrub. Leaves opposite. Flowers small, villous, in terminal or axillary dichotomous cymes. Sepals ovate, glandular within. Corolla rotate, 5-cleft; lobes short, overlapping and twisted to the right. Coronal scales 5, broad, membranous, close to the stamens. Anthers sessile, cohering in a fle???? ring, tips acute conniving; pollen-masses in pairs in each cell, granular; appendages of the corpuscles orbicular. Stigma 5-angled, top flat. Follicles divaricate, acuminate, thick, smooth.

B. nervosa, Wight & Arn. Contrib. 64; Wight Ic. t. 1284; Dcne, in DC. Prodr. viii. 495; Deless. Ic. Sel. v. t. 56.———Tylophora sp., Miquel in PL Hohen. n. 1389.

Nilgherry Mts., alt. 5-7 ????ft... common, Wight, &c.
Leaves 3-4 by 1-2 in., ???ptic or ovate, acuminate, base acute or rounded, coriaceous, glabrous and glossy above; nerves 8-10 pairs, spreading and arched; petiole stout, ½ in. Cymes villous, peduncles and pedicels short, stout; bracts persistent; bracteoles numerous, imbricate. Corolla 1/6 in. diam., green outside, purple within, lobes ovate. Follicles not seen.

5. UTLERIA, Beddome.

A gla???s tree. Leaves scattered, narrow, subcrenulate. Flowers minute, towards the ends of the long branches of terminal peduncled dichotomous cymes. Sepals rounded, glandular within. Corolla subrotate, 5-cleft, lobes overlapping and twisted to the right. Coronal scales 5, small, opposite and close to the stamens. Filaments short; anthers ovate, conniving over and adnate to the stigma; pollen-masses in pairs in each cell, granular; appendages of the corpuscles dilated. Stigma convex. Fruit unknown.

U. salicifolia, Beddome mss.
Deccan Peninsula; Anamallay Mts., alt. 3-4000 ft., Beddome.
Branches stout. Leaves crowded at the ends of the branches, 7-9 by ½-1 in., narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, coriaceous, margin thickened waved or crenulate, base very acute; nerves many, very slender, nearly horizontal, reticulations fine; petiole 1-2 in. Cymes 4-6 in., sparingly branched; bracts on the terminal branches numerous, imbricate, obtuse; pedicels short. Corolla 1/10 in. diam., lobes ovate, acute.


A lofty glabrous climber. Leaves opposite. Flowers in 2-3-chotomous axillary cymes, yellowish and purple. Sepals rounded, short. Corolla rotate, 5-cleft; lobes ovate, overlapping to the right. Coronal scales 5, close to the stamens, filiform. Stamens on the throat of the corolla, filaments slender; anthers adnate by the middle to the stigma, beardless, tip membranous inflexed acute. Pollen-masses in pairs in each cell, granular; tips of the corpuscles slightly dilated. Stigma 5-angled, top flat. Follicles divaricate, turgid, narrowed at both ends, 1-3 winged, tip with a revolute beak. Seeds margined with soft retrorse hairs.

F. obovata, Wall. Pl. As. Rar. ii. 48, t, 162, and Cat. 4466: Wight & Arn. Contrib. 65; Wight Ill, t. 182, f. 5; Griff. Notul. iv. 70, and Ic. PI, Asiat. t. 407; Dene, in DC. Prodr. viii. 494. Gurua obovata, Ham. in Voigt Hort. Sub. Calc. 544.