Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/126

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Singing at meals, C. IV. xv. 25-32.

Sleep, the ivory gate in the house of, C. III. xxvii. 41.

Swallow, the, C. IV. xii. 5-S.

Three, the number, C. I. xxviii. 36; Epp. I. i. 37.

Thunder heard in a clear sky ominous, C. I. xxxiv. 5-8.

Town, patron saint of, C. I. xxviii. 29.

Trees: cypress by tombs, C. II. xiv. 23; ivy and Bacchus, C. III. xxv. 18-20, IV. viii. 33, 34; laurel sacred to Apollo, C. III. xxx. 16, IV. ii. 9; olive sacred to Minerva, C. I. vii. 5-7; pine dedicated to Diana, C. III. xxii.; poplar sacred to Hercules, C. I. vii. 21-23.

Unfortunate, one who is, said to be born when the gods were angry, S. II. iii. 7, 8.

Unlucky days, C. II. xiii. 1.

Urn, Fate and the, C. II. iii. 25-28, III. i. 16.

Venus, name for the highest cast of the dice, C. II. vii. 25.

Vervain, C. I. xix. 14, IV. xi. 7.

Votive offerings: armour in temple, C. III. xxvi. 1-8; after shipwreck, C. I. V. 13-16; A. P. 20.

Votive tablets, S. II. i. 33.

Waxen images, see Witches.

Weather: crow foretelling rain, C. III. xvii. 9-13, xxvii. 9-12; raven foretelling good weather, C. III. xxvii. 9-12.

Wells, sacred, C. III. xiii.

White stone, marking with a, C. I. xxxvi. 10; S. II. iii. 246.

Witches and witchcraft, C. I. xxvii. 21, 22; S. I. viii. 17-45, ix. 29-33; composition of charms and love-potions, Ep. v. 1 5-28; devouring children, A. P. 338-340; magic wheel, Ep. xvii. 6, 7; power over the stars, Ep. v. 45, 46, xvii. 1-6; power through waxen images, Ep. xvii. 76-81; S. I. viii. 30; riding in the air, Ep. xvii. 74, 75.

Woodpecker, bird of ill- omen, C. III. xxvii. 15.