Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/240

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populares Españoles by Marin. After giving an account of the different attempts at collecting them, the author goes on to show how much of the real life of the people lies embedded in their poetry—their religion, their ideas of life, their superstitions, &c. The little work though based on Spanish popular poetry, has a universal range, and is worthy of careful study.

The Folk-Lore Biblioteca de las tradiciones populares Españoles promises to be of much value. According to the prospectus among the volumes to be first issued will be Colleccion de cuentos populares, compared with those of France, Italy, and Portugal, by A. Machado y Alvarez; Supersticiones populares, by A. Guichot y Sierra; Costumbres y fiestas populares Andaluzes, by Luis Montoto y Rantenstranch, &c., &c. A volume of about 300 pages will be published every three months at a subscription of 15 francs yearly, to be payable to the Editors, Franciso Alvarez y Ca., Zaragoza, 21, Seville. It is expected that the first volume will be issued during the current month.

Folk-Tale Tabulations.—The following tabulations have been received: "The Story of a Dam," "Kgolodikane (a large Bead)," "The Lion and the Jackal," "The Bewitched King," "Much searching disturbs things that were lying still," "The Ox which returned to life," "The Story of Umkuywana," "Story of Five Heads," "Ulusanana," "The Fleeing Girls and the Rock," from The South African Folk-Lore Journal, by Mr. G. L. Apperson. "La Soru di lu Conti," "La panza chi parra," "Lu Furasteri e lu Tratturi," "Li tri casini," "L'acqua e lu sali," "Il padre santo," "Il Re di Francia," "Figlio mio dottore!" " Li tri belli curuni mei," "Lu Re Cavaddu-mortu," "Russu-comu-sangu," "Donna Guángula," "La Bella Mainrana," "La Bella di li setti citri," from Pitré's Fiahe Novelle e Racconti Popolari Siciliani raccolti by Mr. E. Sidney Hartland.

The Annual Meeting will be held on the 5th July, at 3.30 o'clock. The President has very kindly offered to have the meeting at his residence, 13, Belgrave Square. Members who desire to bring friends to the meeting may have cards on application to the Honorary Secretary.