Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/317

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pursued by those beasts?" So she answered, "I was desired by a man for his wife, sir, but I would not consent; for he was a bad man, and also because he was a blood relation with beasts. And so, as I would not consent, he bade the beasts with whom he had a covenant to pursue me. And I was able to flee here, because father is a diviner and mother has visions; and what father does not discover by divination mother has revealed to her by inspiration. And I fled here, because both father and mother knew that I should find refuge here."

And when Andriambahoaka heard that he was astonished and amazed, while he pitied her also, saying, "Come, then, let us go to your father and mother and your relatives, and to your native country. For your father and mother will now be troubled about you, and thinking that perhaps you are devoured by those evil beasts."

So Rafara was glad when she heard that, and thanked Andriambahoaka. So they went, and came to Rafara's father's; and glad and rejoiced were her parents, for they thought their child had been dead, especially as they had not seen her either by divination or in vision; but now that she had come, they rejoiced and thanked Andriambahoaka and his followers; and they made great rejoicings. For they killed five oxen, and many other things in addition.

And when Andriambahoaka was about to return home with his followers, he asked for Rafara as a wife, and added many words in addition to his request. So Rafara's parents and family answered him: "To persons not to be compared with you, sir, would we give her, therefore much more to you; so we give her, sir, for there is not a foot will kick, nor a hand will snatch away, for already you have saved her from death."

And as for that man, Rafatidrambìby, who got the beasts to kill Rafara, the one half of him turned into a beetle and the other half into a dog-locust.[1]

So Andriambahoaka of the north and Rafaravavimanombana prospered, and had many children to inherit their kingdom; and Rafara's father and mother rejoiced, and all the people.

Remember: "Retribution there is none, but the past returns."

  1. A brilliantly-coloured but offensively-smelling insect.