Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/352

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By G. L. Gomme, F.S.A.

(Continued from page 84.)

Caballero (Fernan). The bird of truth, and other fairy tales. London [no date], 8vo. pp. xi. 241.

Story List: The Bird of Truth—A Girl who wanted Three Husbands—The Knights of the Fish—Fair Flower—The Singing Sock—The Foolish Wolf and the Shrewd Fox—The Guardian Spirits—John the Conjuror—The Blue Lily—A Tale of Taradiddles—The Knavish little Bird—Lucifer's Ear—The Three Wishes—The Demon's Mother-in-law—The Fox and the Goose—The Tribulations of a Cobbler—The little Ant—The Hunchback—Fortune and Misfortune—The Fairy Friar—The King's Power—Juan Holgado and Death—The Cock and the Goose—Uncle Curro and his Cudgel—If Heaven will it—Unpalatable Advice—The Promise—The Fairy Hen—Dame Fortune and Don Money—The Carlanco—Benibaire—Moro's Ears—The Power of Will.

Cain (Rev. John). Couvade or hatching. [Childbirth customs among the Erukalavandlu.] Indian Antiq. vol. iii. p. 151.}}

———————— Legends and notes on customs. Indian Antiq. vol. iii. pp. 187-188; vol. v. pp. 187-188.

Contents: Legend of Kukkakâkani—The Kazu and the Tiger—Childbirth—Worship of the Cobra—The Erikclawandlu—The Vaddevandlu.

———————— Native customs in the Godavari district. Indian Antiq. 1875, vol. iv. pp. 197-198.
Caldwell (Robert Charles). Tamil popular poetry. Indian Antiq. vol. i. (1872), pp. 97-103; 197-204.
Calidasa. The birth of Uma’, a legend of Hima’laya, being the first canto of his great poem, the Cumára-sambhava. Journ. Asiatic Society. Bengal, 1883. Vol. ii. pp. 329-358.
Callaway (Rev. Henry Canon). On divination and analogous phenomena among the natives of Natal. Journal of Anthropological Institute, vol. i. pp. 163-185.
—————————————— Nursery tales, traditions, and histories of the Zulus, in their own words, with a translation into English and notes. London and Natal, 1868. 8vo. vii. 374.