Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/357

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Edinburgh." [Original work published in connection with the series entitled People's Editions.] Edinburgh, London, and Dublin, 1842. 8vo. pp. ii. 76.

Contents: Rhymes on places—Characteristics of places and their inhabitants—Popular reproaches—Rhymes upon families of distinction—Family characteristics—Slogans—Rhymes connected with superstitions—Rhymes respecting weather—Rhymes upon natural objects—Rhymes of the nursery—Fireside nursery stories—Miscellaneous puerile rhymes—Rhymes connected with amusements—Rhymes connected with New Year observances—Miscellaneous rhymes—Supplement to the rhymes.

Chambers (Robert). Popular rhymes of Scotland. London and Edinburgh, 1870. 8vo. pp. vii. 402.

Contents: Preface to the third edition—Rhymes of the nursery—Fireside nursery stories—Nursery riddles—Rhymes appropriate to children's amusements—Miscellaneous puerile rhymes—Rhymes connected with New Year observances—Rhymes upon natural objects—Rhymes on places—Characteristics of places and their inhabitants—Popular reproaches—Rhymes upon families of distinction—Family characteristics—Rhymes connected with superstitions—Slogans—Rhymes respecting weather—Miscellaneous rhymes—Note for the fourth edition, 1869.

————————— The book of days, a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar, including anecdote, biography, and history, curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and character. London, [1869]. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 831, 840.
Chambers' Selection of English and Scotch proverbs. Edinburgh, (no date). 12mo. pp. 32.
Cheales (Alan B.) Proverbial folklore. Second edition. Dorking and London [no date]. 8vo. pp. 173.

Contents: Womankind—Weather-wisdom—Matrimonial maxims—The family—National—Historical—Professional—Speech—Friendship—Money maxims—The seven deadly sins—The cardinal virtues—Refugium proverbiale—Ambiguous—Pernicious—Pious proverbs.

Cheap (John). The history of John Cheap, the chapman, containing above a hundred merry exploits done by him and his fellow traveller Drouthy Tom, a sticked shaver. Stirling. Printed and sold by M. Randall. 12mo. pp. 24.
Cheap (John), the Chapman's Library. The Scottish chap literature of last century classified, with life of Dougal Graham. Glasgow, 1877-1878. 8vo. 3 vols, [each tract paged separately.]
Vol. i. Comic and humorous: Life of Dougal Graham—Witty sayings and exploits of George Buchanan—Adventures of Bamfylde Moore Carew—Daniel O'Rourke's voyage to the moon—The comical tricks of Lothian Tom, &c.—Comical history of the king and the cobbler—John Cheap, the Chapman—Simple John and his twelve misfortunes—The wise men of Gotham—Manzie Waugh, tailor in Dalkeith—Jockie and Maggie's courtship—The coalman's courtship—History of Buckhaven: Wise Willy and Witty Eppy—The dominie deposed—Maggie Johnston's elegy—A groat's worth of