Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 3 1885.djvu/295

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surrounds all that emanates from his pen, and which has shown itself in the careful editing of the Archivio delle Tradizioni Popolari (in conjunction with his talented collaborateur Dr. Salomone-Marino), has qualified him to be the facile princeps of folk-lore editors in Italy. Since Cantù, Tommaseo, and other veterans first called the attention of the litterati of the Peninsula to the many values of popular traditions, a host of collectors of the same has arisen, and happily the folk-lore of its every district has found labourers, not excepting this very Tuscan kingdom, in which the present volume has been gleaned; but the instances are rare in which such a vast stock of appropriate erudition could be brought to bear. The collector of these Tuscan tales has wisely left his harvest in the hands of Dr. Pitrè, who has multiplied its value a hundredfold by making each of the seventy-six a nucleus round which to register, for the benefit of the folk-lore community at large, an exhaustive number of variants. Among these we are pleased to see included the names of many of the chief workers of our own country—Cox, Coote, Baring-Gould (by almost the only error in the volume called Gering-Gould), Kelly, Busk, Dasent, Ralston, &c., and one of them is acknowledged as the only authority for the folk-lore of Rome;—"la Busk."

Revista do Minho para o estudo daa Tradições populares, collaborada por todos os folk-loristas portuguezes. Barcellos: Vieira e Landolt.

It is with the greatest pleasure we bring under the notice of folk-lorists this new periodical devoted to the study of folk-lore. Though bearing the title Revista do Minho, it embraces the whole field of folk-lore. Besides a short introduction it contains articles entitled "Crenças populares," on rain and snow, and on the word Velha in Portuguese popular traditions, and "An Introduction to the Popular Traditions of Barcellos," collected by Candido A. Landolt, both from the pen of J. Leite de Vasconcellos. There is another article, "Cancioneiro Minhoto, cançõnes populares," with some notices of books and periodicals. We wish the review all the success it so well deserves, and commend it to all folk-lorists.

Boletin folk lorico Español. A. Guichot y Sierra, Seville. Nos. 3-8.

This journal is doing good work for folk-lore in Spain. It contains