Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 3 1885.djvu/320

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[From G. N. Potanin's sketch of N.W. Mongolia, vol. ii. page 146, et seq. This contribution is due to the kindness of the late Mr. W. S. W. Vaux. Mr. Vaux wrote as follows upon the subject:

"The accompanying paper was sent to me some time since by a learned member of this Society, Mr. C. Gardner, H.B.M. Cons., Ichang, China. It is not in our province, but it may be in yours. Anyhow, you may rely on accuracy of details."]

1. Kerpek Shêshên, the Hedgehog.

FORMERLY Kerpek Shêshên, that is the hedgehog, was a bey and sat in the Beylik (that is the assembly of beys). In that time was Dzalmaus Pêïgambar, who destroyed much people and cattle, devouring them. The nation collected together and took counsel under the presidency of the nobles as to what to do. Then some one remembered that there was a wise bey, Kerpek Shêshên; so they sent to him to ask his advice. "How shall I go?" said the hedgehog; "I have no feet." Kerpek Shêshên was round and had no feet. "We will give you feet," said the courtiers. They made feet and placed Kerpek Shêshên on them. Kerpek Shêshên went to the council and asked about the matter. Then they told him Dzalmaus devours people and cattle; he started to go to Dzalmaus, came to him to his tent, and asked: "Wherefore he devoured people and cattle?" "Why?" asked Dzalmaus, "for the same reason that I shall swallow you." "Swallow!" replied the hedgehog. Dzalmaus swallowed him, but the hedgehog bristled out and stuck in his throat. Dzalmaus wished to vomit him, but the hedgehog held on by his feet. Then Kerpek Shêshên put out his head and asked Dzalmaus what it was necessary to give him