[No. 24.]
Title of Story.— Tobacco.
Dramatis Personae.— Wise men.— Fools.
Abstract of Story. — When tobacco came into the world, and wise men saw it, they took it and smelt it ; the wise men who followed them took it and smoked it, and watched it smoke ; the fools of Pemba thought it was food, and took it and ate it.
Alphabetical List of Incidents.
Tobacco, eating and smoking of.
Where published. — SwaUU Tales, by Edward Steere. London, 1870. Story No. 15, p. 415.
Nature of Collection, whether:—
1. Original or translation. — Translated from Swahili, by Dr. Steere.
2. If hy word of mouth, state narrator's name.
3. OtJwr particulars.
Special points noted by the Editor of the above.— -^*^.
Remarksiby the Tabulator.— -^i^-
(Signed) Janet Key.