Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 7 1889.djvu/426

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forget all about her. Prince promises to observe this. They reach home; chancellor and (|ueen-mother receive Filagranata with honom' as the prince's bride. That night Prince goes, according to old habit, to see his mother asleep, forgets prohibition, kisses her, forgets Filagranata and all his adven- tures. His father having died in his absence, he finds himself king; has to be reminded of this in the morning, and when they bring Filagranata to him he does not know her; sends away to fetch a princess to be his queen, great feast prepared. — (9) Filagranata gets fine flour and sweetmeats from queen-mother (who loves her and tries to bring her to prince's remembrance), makes paste and moulds two pigeons, which she fills with sweetmeats, places them one at each end of the table. Pigeons converse, one recalling each event of the finding of Filagranata, and the other answering, " Yes, I re- member it now," to each. Memory slowly returns to prince with each event described, till first pigeon relates the fairy's prohibition and his promise, and the second answers, " Yes, ah, yes, I remember it now," when all flashes back in the prince's mind. He runs in haste to fetch Filagranata, places her by his side, sending away the princess with presents to her own people.

Alphabetical List of Incidents.

Child promised to witch before birth (1).

Comb thrown down as obstacle to pursuit (6).

Fairy appears with three magic gifts (4).

Forgetfnlness caused by kiss (8).

Gifts, magic, from fairy (4).

Hair, witch pulled up by heroine's (2), also prince (3).

Kiss, forgetfnlness caused by (8).

Obstacles to pursuit, see "comb," "oil, "trowel."

Oil thrown down as obstacle to pursuit (4) (7).

Orange, horse changed to (3).

Parsley stolen by poor woman (1).

Pigeons, tended by heroine (2), paste pigeons made by heroine converse (9).

Pledge of child in expiation of theft (I).

Pomegranate, prince changed to (3).

Thorny hedge raised by comb (6).

Tower, heroine shut up in (2).

Transformation of hero into pomegranate (3).

Trowel thrown down as obstacle to pursuit (5).

Wall raised by trowel (5).

Where published. -Busk's Folklore of Rome. London, 1874. Tale No. 1, pp. 3-12.