Aberceomby (Hon. J.), Beliefs and Meligious Ceremonies of the Murd- vins, 65-135 ; Legends from County Meath, 313-314
Aberdeenshire, practices of witches in, 277-286
Accounts, 17, 373
Adders avoid the rowan-tree, Scotland, 41
, curative powers of, 43
iEsop of Joach, Camerarius, story from, quoted, 180
African folklore, 22-25
Agriculture, goddess of, Mordvin, 71, 73; goddess, influence upon, Mord- vins, 105
Agricultural folklore, see " harvest customs "
Aino folklore, 57-58
Allah, mystical attributes of the name, 155
Arnazulu, custom of addressing hus- bands, 158
America, harvest custom in, 51-52
, London ballads related in,
American Indians, well superstitions
, South, tribes, change of
names after death, 156, 157
Analysis of customs, &c., 3, 11-16
Ancestor worship, Coorg, 304
, Mordvin s, 74
Ange Patyai, Mordvin goddess, 101
Animal lore, Coorg, 295-297
names for the last sheaf of
corn, 45
sacrifice at sowing time, Mord-
vins, 66 ; burial of flesh in house, Mordvin, 1 27
suicide, Scandinavia, 55
superstitions, Scotland, 42-43
Animals, Chinese beliefs as to, 319
Animals, God of the, Mordvin, 71 , kneeling of, to worship the
pyx, 26 , man's connection with,
California, 24-25
-, protection for, from witches,
, speech of, California, 2 4
, domestic, protected by spirits,
Mordvin, 73; Votyak, used for sacri- fice, 129 Annual meeting, 18-21, 374-375
report, 1-16, 356-372
Antrim harvest custom, 314 Ants, legend as to, Mordvin, 1 06 Arrow-points, belonged to little men,
California, 24 Arwaker's select fables, quoted, 184 Aspen, superstitions about the, Scot- land, 41 Australians, reluctance to tell names
among, 158 Austrian stories of Rumpelstiltskin,
148-149 Ayrshire harvest customs, 47-48
Babcock (W. n.)> London Balladx,
27-35 Baldur story parallel, 61 Ballads (London) related in America,
27-35 Bargains made at a pillar, Limerick,
37 Barnes (Rev. W.), MS. collection of
folklore, 202 Basket, game of, 231 Basque story, Rumpelstiltskin type,
150-151 Bat, legend of the, Mordvin, 77-78 Batcombe Cross, Dorset, 25-26 Bears believed to attack pregnant
women, 55 ; suicide of, 65 '——', talking of, California, 24