Pishermen, Scottish, superstitions of, 44-47
Fishing superstitions, Scotland, 43-44
Folklorists at Paris, Congress of, 275- 276
Folktales, tabulation, 3
, allotment of work, 169-172
Fontaine's Fables, quoted, 182
Food prepared by witch, 284
Food and sacrifice, Mordvin, 82
Fool plough, 333
Forest deities, Coorg, 305
Forest and tree goddess, Mordvin, 72,75
Forfeits, game of, 239
Fox and geese, game of, 217
Frazer (J. G.)> Antrim Harvest Cus- tom, 314 ; Breakfasting at the j)lovgh tail, 175-178 ; Notes on Harvest Customs, 47-53 ; Suther- landsMre Folldore, 53-54 ; Spanish Follilore, 174-175 ; May Bay Cus- tom, 265 ; South African Red Bid- ing Hood story, 167-168
French version of Beath^s Messenger, 183
Friday superstitions, Macclesfield, 24
Fuegians, never mention name of the dead, 156
Funeral customs. New Guinea, 320
Funeral rites, importance of, Burmah, 313
Gaelic tale, tabulation of, 8-10 Gallitraps, Devonshire, 265 Games, children's, Dorsetshire, 202-264 Garden gate, game of, 219-220 Gai-lic, protection against vipers, Spain,
, sacred to Mordvin goddess, 106
Gathering nuts in May, game of, 224-
227 German tale of Beath^s 3Iessenger, 179 story of Rumpelstiltskin, 136-
137 Gerson's sermons, quoted, 188 Giant-killing story, Scotland, 163-165 Gilitrutt, Icelandic name of witch, 152 God, conception of, by Mordvins, 66 Gomme (G. L.), Coorg Folklore, 295-
306 Goose, sacrifice, Russian, 86
, wild, foretelling by, Scotland, 43
Gorey, the term explained, 37
Gosse (Edmund), Account of Boys'
Games, 234 Granton-on-Spey, measuring cows at,282 Green gravel, game of, 214 Gregor (Rev. W.), Bread, 195-198 ;
Kelpie Stories, 199-201 ; John GlaicTi the Brave Tailor, l^V?,-!^', The Clever Apprentice, 166-167 ; Some Folldore on Trees, Animals, and River Fish- ing, from the North- East of Scotland, 41-44 ; On Witch Superstitions, 277- 286 Grimm's Teutonic Mythology, vol. iv.,
reviewed, 268 Groves, sacred, Votyak, 129 Guessing names in folktales, 151-153 Guiana, names considered a part of
the man in, 157 Guthrie (Ellen E.), Superstitions of the Scottish Fishermen, 44-47
Habetrot, northern counties' name for
Rumpelsltiltskin, 145 Hallowe'en, divination, 54 Hampole's Priche of Conscience,
quoted, 188 Handbook of folklore, 3, 7 Hare, in African folklore. 23-24
, beheading of, Scandinavia, 56
, unluck of, Forfarshire, 47
, witches in shape of, 2S4, 285
Harvest customs, 47-53, 54
, Antrim, 314 ; Cornwall, 315
Harvest festivals, Coorg, 302-304 Harvest songs used in game rhymes,
244 Head of the hare, superstition con- nected with, 56 Heaven, descent of man from, Africa,
22-23 Hedgehog superstitions, Scotland, 42-
43 Hen, crowing, Scotland, 43 Hens, protected by Mordvin goddess,
104 Hereditary power of curing disease,
of witchcraft, 285
Hessian, to kill a, Irish proverb, 36 Hides, animals', hanging of, in temples,
82 Hobby-horse, 333 ; Devonshire, 265 Holly, placed outside stable door,
Scotland, 41 Holyrood day and the swallow, 57 Hop-frog, game of, 234 Horse sacrifice, Mordvin, 82 ; Russian,
85-86 Horse-shoo, luck of. Scotland, 47 Horse's hair turned into water snake,
317 Horses, safeguards for, against witches,