Milking cow with a sieve, Lancashire
folktale, 60 Millet, sacred to Mordvin goddess,
106 Mills, fear of fairies working, 201 Mole, sign of person being a witch,
283 Monday, ploughing prohibited on,
Coorg, 297 Month, the Arabic, 195 Moon, hunting times of the lynx fixed
by, 56 • , prayer to, at New Year, Mord-
vins, 6&
god, Mordvin, 71
-, new, garments brushed at, 5-1
Mordvins, beliefs and religious cere- monies of, 65-135 Morris (Dr. R.), Death's Messenger,
179-191 Morris dance at Revesby, 331-355 Mother goddess, Mordvin, 70 Moths, white, rhymes on, 249 Moule (H. 3 .),J3atcovihe Cross, Dorset,
25-26 Mulberry bush, game of, 210 Mummers, Christmas, 216-247 Municipal custom at Dublin as to
beggars, 36 My little dog Buff, game of, 213-214 Myrrh used as preventive against witchcraft, 280
Name of wolf, taboo against, Scandi- navia, 55
Names, integral associations of persons with, 154-161
Nature spirits, Mordvins', 67
Necklace, fairies', 308
New Guinea, superstition in, 320-322
New Year's festival, Mordvin, 124-127
Nine men's morris, game of, 233
Norfolk harvest custom, 51
Northumberland, egg-giving at Easter, 318
Nursery rhymes, 254-257
Oat cakes, prevalence of, in Scotland,
196 Offerings made to malignant god,
Votyak, 129 Officials at the ceremonial sacrifices,
88-89 Om, mystical nameof, 155 Onions, sacred to Mordvin goddess,
106 Oranges and lemons, game of, 216
Ordish (T. F.), morris dance at Reves- by, 331-355
Pali texts quoted, 189-190
Pan, devil in shape of, 290
Pancake, used in Mordvin festival, 125
Paris, congress of folkiorists at, 275- 276
Parish, sacrificial feasts of, 90-101
Parrot, man turned into, Buddhist tale, 311
Peacock (E.), unlawful cures, 54-55 ; Scandinavian folklore, 55-57 ; Lancashire folldore,^^-^! ; Siderian folMore, 61-62 ; house custom, 315
Pig, sacrificial slaughter of, Mordvin, 116, 125
■-, unluck of meeting, Scotland, 45-
Pillar, bargains made at, Limerick, 37
Pins, used to find out witch, 279
Piozzi (Mrs.), autobiography quoted, 184
Pips, divinations from, 249
'F\tYc(fjf.),Bihlioteoa delle Tradizioni Popolari Slciliane reviewed, 322-330
Pitre (Dr.), collection of Sicilian folk- lore by, 62-63
Pitsligo, witch stories from, 278, 279, 281
Pixies, Devonshire, 265
Place rhyme, Irish, 37
Ploughing customs, Coorg, 297
, Scotland, 176-178
Ploughing and witchcraft, 284
Polynesia, prohibition against uttering chief's name, 158
Potatoes, spirits in, 54
Presents given to witch to secure good- will, 286
Procession of fishermen at Buckie, 46- 47
Proverbs, Derbyshire, 291-293 ; Staf- fordshire, 294-295 ; Irish, 35-38
Pyx, animals kneeling to, 26
Queen Anne, game of, 229
Rabbit, cunning of, Spanish folktales,
59-60 Rag image burnt by fishermen to avoid
ill-luck, 46 Rainbow, legend of, Mordvin, 1 05 Ralston (W. R. S.), death of, 370 Raven, white feather of the, a charm
56 , dcA'il in shape of, 289