meat, and in doing so tore her in pieces. She died, or seemed to die; but the children thus rudely brought into the world were immortal. One of these he seized, and throwing him into the bottom of the lodge said, "Stay there for ever among the rubbish, and let your name be Atùtish. The other he took out and threw into a neighbouring spring, saying to him, "Your name is Mahash; stay there for ever, where you will love the mud and learn to eat nothing but the worms and reptiles of the spring."
When Long Tail and Spotted Body came home, they were horrified to find their sister slaughtered; they mourned her duly, and then placed her body on a scaffold, as these Indians do. After the funeral they returned hungry to the lodge, and put some meat on the fire to cook. As the pleasant odour of the cooking arose, they heard an infantile voice crying and calling for food. They sought and listened, and sought again, until at length they found Atùtish, whom they dragged forth into the light, and knew to be the child which they supposed was devoured or lost for ever. Long Tail then placed Atùtish on the ground, and, holding his hand some distance above the child's head, made a wish "that he would grow so high," and instantly the child attained the stature, mind, and knowledge of a boy about eight years old. Then Long Tail made many inquiries concerning what had happened to him and the whereabouts of his brother; but the child could give no information of what took place during the visit of Big Mouth.
In a day or two after this transaction, the elders made for the child a little stick and wheel (such as Indian children use in the game called by the Canadians of the Upper Missouri, roulette), and bade him play round in the neighbourhood of the lodge, while they went out to hunt again. While he was playing near the spring, he heard a voice calling to him and saying "miakas" (my elder brother). He looked in the direction from which the voice proceeded, and saw little Mahash looking out of the spring. Wanting a playmate, Atùtish invited him to come out and play. So Mahash came out, and the two brothers began to amuse themselves. But when Long Tail and his brother approached the lodge, on their return from the hunt, Mahash smelled