Now J'hu crist and seynt benedyght
blisse this hous from ev'y wikkede wight
for the nyghtes very the white pater noster
where wentestow seynt Pet'is suster.
J'hu crist and seint benedight
Blisse this hous from every wikked wight
ffor the nyghtes verie the white pater noster
where wentestow thou seynt petir suster.
J'hu christ and seynt beneditht
Blesse þis house from every wikked wight
ffo þe nyghtees verie þe white pat'n'r
Where wendestow þou seint petrus suster.
J'hu crist and seint benedight
Blesse þis hous from ev'y wikked wight
ffo þe nightes verie the white pater noster
Where wentestow thou seint petir suster.
J'hu crist and seint Benedight
Blisse this hous from every wicked wight
ffor the night mare the white pater nost'
Wher wentestow seint petir suster.
J'hu crist and seynt Benedight
Blesse this hous from every wikkede wight
For the nightes verye the white pate noster
Where wentestow thou seinte Peteris suster.
J'hu criste and seinte beneditight
Bille this house from ev'y wikkid wight
fro nyghtis veere the white pat' nost'
wher kneledestow thou seint peteres sist'.