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Lucia Maria Bastos Pereira das Neves The forgotten in the independence process: a history to be made

Almanack, Guarulhos, n. 25, ef00220, 2020

because [it was] the strongest numerically speaking ”[1]. Undoubtedly, in provinces with a strong presence of slaves, their behavior in the face of conflict was contrary to the Portuguese, who monopolized the sale of basic subsistence products by manipulating their prices according to their interests. Of course, many also opposed the white elite born in Brazil.[2]

Sometimes, the slaves tried to obtain a clearer political role in the victory of those favorable to the “Brazilian cause”, as in Bahia. Maria Bárbara Garcez Pinto, an important lady from Bahia, owner of mills in Bahia, married to Luís Paulino d’Oliveira Pinto da França, a deputy for the province of Bahia in the Lisbon Courts, when writing to him she informed that: “the negroes from Cachoeira made requirements to be set free”, believing that in an orderly way they could have a greater intervention on the public scene. Still in her letter, she stated that there were some individuals in Bahia, perhaps white, who sent “requests to the Courts” on the subject. However, despite the “negroes” were “infamous” and “haughty” - a “devil’s gang” - there were “good laws” that could listen to them, but also punish them. After all, “they are foolish, but can be whip treated!”[3] This rebellious attitude was reported later, in 1823, by the Idade d’Ouro do Brazil which attributed “this worrying phenomenon [the possibility of freedom of the slaves] to the bad example of the patriotic masters”[4].

On the other hand, during the wars of independence, especially in Bahia, several slaves fled to engage in Brazilian forces. They believed that, in fighting for Brazil’s freedom, they could also fight for


  1. Um documento inédito para a história da Independência. Transcripted by Luiz Mott em MOTA, Carlos Guilherme. 1822: dimensões ... Op. Cit., p. 482.
  2. Cf. REIS, João José. O jogo duro... Op. Cit.
  3. FRANÇA, António d’Oliveira Pinto da; CARDOSO, Antônio Monteiro. Cartas baianas: 1821-1824: subsídios para o estudo dos problemas da opção na Independência brasileira. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1980, p. 36 e 39.
  4. IDADE D’OURO DO BRAZIL. Salvador, n. 8, 28 jan. 1823.