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Lucia Maria Bastos Pereira das Neves The forgotten in the independence process: a history to be made

Almanack, Guarulhos, n. 25, ef00220, 2020

Dicionário de conceitos histéricos fundamentais[1] - this type of behavior, which is in a situation of transition from traditional societies of the old regime to the modern world. However, contrary to some recent interpretations that have been trying to demonstrate, in parallel with a multiplicity of new languages — such as the old constitutionalism, a political economy and natural rights -, old values, such as this surprising one, remained active and, often, preponderant attempt to see, by means of Bandarra’s troves, or the Empire of Brazil as the accomplishment of the V Empire, and Pedro I, as the covert king. After all, until today a good part of the inhabitants of Brazil seems to continue to ignore the prognosis to deal with prophecies...[2]


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  1. KOSELLEGK, Reinhardt. Futuro passado: contribuição ... Op. cit., p. 97-118.
  2. KOSELLECK, Reinhart. Futuro passado: contribuigao ... Op. cit., p. 31-39.