Page:The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms (1881).djvu/334

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  • Henslow, Prof., on ledges on hill-sides, 278
  • Hoffmeister, number of species of worms, 9
  • Hoffmeister,— — — on worms hybernating in company, 34
  • Hoffmeister,— — — perception of light by worms, 20, 22
  • Hoffmeister,— — — on the enemies of worms, 62
  • Hoffmeister,— — — depth of burrows, 110
  • Hoffmeister,— — — on hybernation of worms, 114
  • Hooker, Sir J., on ledges of earth on the Himalaya, 278
  • Humus acids, action of on rocks, 240, 244

  • Instinct of worms, 35
  • Intelligence of worms, 35, 64
  • Intestines of worms, their contents acid, 51
  • Islands, inhabited by worms, 120

  • Johnson, Dr. H., on the Roman remains at Wroxeter, 222–228
  • Johnson, Dr. H.,— — — on ammonia in worm-castings, 242
  • Johnson, S. W., 'How Crops Feed,' 242
  • Joyce, Rev. J. G., on the Roman remains at Silchester, 201
  • Julien, Mr. A. A., on the composition of peat, 238
  • Julien, Mr. A. A.,— — — on the humus acids, 240, 244

  • Key, Rev. H., on the burial of cinders by worms, 146
  • King, Dr., on the formation of mould in forests in France, 5
  • King, Dr.,— — — on castings near Nice, 106, 117
  • King, Dr.,— — — on great castings on the Nilgiri Mountains and in Ceylon, 126
  • King, Dr.,— — — weight of castings near Nice, 163
  • King, Dr.,— — — on disintegrated castings on the Corniche road, 276, 281
  • King, Dr.,— — — on the washing away of the castings on the Nilgiri Mountains, 274