Page:The Fourth Estate, July to December 1917.djvu/27

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July 7, 1917
The Fourth Estate


SITUATIONS WANTED. Advertising Manager of sixteen years experience desires to make change. Can furnish the best of references. Each month must show an increase or staff meetings will be held daily. Know how to Anadle get the most out of them. Location: Middle West or Eastern States preferred. Address Builder, care The Fourth Estate.

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT of good live daily wanted by experienced man who could invest two or three thousand dollars, and also work on part cash, part stock basis, if desired. Address Box 805, care The Fourth Estate.

Man of character, experience and ability would correspond with manager wishing to develop economy and efficiency in his mechanical department. Address Box 805, care The Fourth Estate.

If conscription has caused a vacancy on your


an experienced woman reporter and feature writer (24) is ready to fill it. Address Box 824, care The Fourth Estate.

Circulation man with clean record de- sired change from present employment. Western offer preferred. Address West- ern. Box 814, care The Fourth Estate.

NKW BRINSWKK TlNfES IS A YEAR OLD. NEW BRUNSWICK TIMES IS A YEAR OLD. The New Brunswick (N. J.) Sun- day Times bas just celebrated its first anniversary with an extra rage edition covering a variety of subjects and elaborately illustrated. This newspaper caught the popular eye al- most at the start and has been grad. ually growing, until it now threatens to surpass tbe circulation of its godfather, the New Brunswick Home News.

The Sunday Times was formerly run as a daily newspaper and is one of the five oldest papers in the United An image should appear at this position in the text.GEORGE C. INGLING. States It first appeared as the Guardian and New Brunswick Adver- tiser in 1792 and was published weekly.

It was founded by Abraham Balu- velt, who died in 1834. On Jun, 1815, it became the New Brunswick Times and General Advertiser. Later it became merged with the Daily News and New Jersey Union, the first name of the Daily Times being pubished in 1869.

When first published the paper was devoted to the interests of the Fed- eral Republican_Party. Later it be- came a strong Democratic organ and

THE FOURTH ESTATE SITUATIONS WANTED. NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS. NEW ENGLAND, NEW YORK and PENNSYLVANIA. I am a real specialist in reorganizing and rehabilitating newspaper properties. If your property is not developed to the bighest possible point, you can profitably employ me. I develop and perfect the Business, Advertising. Mechanical and Circulation Departments. Have been doing this sort of work successfully for many years. I have doubled the income of some papers and very largely increased that of others. It ensts nothing to use my services and my system, as I am sure to produce a volume of new business sufficient to meet the expense several times over. not to mention the permanent benefits which will accrue. I really know the game and can put it GTVT. Will be at liberty about August 1. Who wants Write for particulars and an The next interview. Address Specialist," care The Fourth Estate.

Do you need a competent editor or redeliver ployers for last 15 years will testify: will be glad to give full details: why not write me at Boa 798, care The Fourth Estate.

is now an independent Democratic journal, its chief policy being to boost every movement for the welfare of the city.

The editor of the Sunday Times, George C. Ingling, first became con- nected with the newspaper as a re- porter in January. 1896. He later was made city editor, which position he held for nearly ten years. Upon a change in ownership being made he was advanced to the position of editor and continued as such when the change was made from a daily to a Sunday newspaper. He has been connected with the newspaper longer than any other man on the staff.


On and after the dates named below the Federal Liquor Advertising Act applies to:

Alaska—Entire territory, January 1, 1918.

Indiana—Entire state, April 3, 1918. The attorney general of Indiana advises that the section of the law forbidding liquor advertising in the state is not effective until immediately after April 3, 1918, but it is contended by others that this section of the law is already in effect. There have been no decisions by the courts upon these conflicting views, and until some authoritative decision of the courts is available the opinion of the legal officer of the state will he accepted.

Michigan—Entire state, April 30, 1918.

Montana—Entire state, December 31, 1918.

Utah—Entire state. August 1, 1917.

As The Fourth Estate told last week, these states were wholly effected, commencing July 1:

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia.

The Post Office Department will furnish further information as to the states partially affected.


The Slovenian Printing & Publish- ing Company, of Dululh. publisher of the National Herald, a Finnish week ly, has petitioned the district court for permission to liquidate the affairs of the company preparatory to its dis- solntinn. The advancing costs of pub- lication have miide the business un- profitable and the Herald will there- fore suspend publication.

The. company is on a substantial basis and merely desires to quit while the "quitting is good "



For 25 years I have been learning the newspaper business. At 11 I was a news bay. Since then I have been circula- tion manager, advertising manager, edi- tor and acting business manager of daily papers of from 1,500 to 195,000 circula- tion. I want to demonstrate my fitness and make a contract for several years with the publisher of a large daily. To do this I am willing to come at my own expense and risk and spend thirty days at a nominal salary proving my worth and ability.

Am at present employed as manager of the advertising and circulation de- partments of a Western daily, and will want to give reasonable notice before leaving.

Am willing to go anywhere, but pre. fer a large city.

Address Box 822, care The Fourth Estate.

Wanted-Position as managing editor or editor of afternoon newspaper by young man of nine years' experience, now managing editor of morning news paper. Ahove draft age. Best charac- ter references. Long connection with paper demanding high standard may be Laken as test of ability. Desire to leave night field reau for change. Present salary $95. Addrem N. O. R., care The Fourth Estate.


Now holding place next in rank to that held by owner, in town of 60,000. seeks position as general manager or managing editor in somewhat larger and more progressive field. Experienced in all newspaper departments, young. healthy, and exempt (unwillingly) from war duty. Your Chicago representative ran arrange an early interview by ad- dressing Box 503, care The Fourth Es- tate. Full proofs of ability.


accustomed to be stress and thrill of news, at present vegetating on a trade paper, desires immediate change. Ex. perienced; temperate; knows newspaper work from one end to the other; has been doing editorial work on leading dailies in New York and Philadelphia Address M. M.. Box 809. care The Estate. Full proofs of ability.

SITUATIONS WANTED. A YOUNG MAN eighteen years old, who graduated from high school last February, now employed, desires a position in either a TRADE, or DAILY NEWSPAPER, ADVERTISING AGENCY, or a PRINTING OFFICE. Is ambitious enough not to want the position unless there is a chance to advance himself. Willing to dem- onstrate his worth. Address J. A. S.. care The Fourth Estate.

Connection Desired with a daily newspaper — small or large city— by a PROGRESSIVE EXECUTIVE. Knows all details of the business. Has already done ex- cellent work in building up several properties. References of the best. Address Business Ability, care The Fourth Estate.

Circulation Manager

of ability. sound judgement and a force- ful, agreeable personality. now employed, seeks greater responsibility and bright future. Qualified to organize and sys- tematize the department to produce bus- iness along economical lines.

References as to character, ability and experience are high-class, reliable and convincing. If you are looking for a live. Wide-awake man, one capable of giving your newspaper intelligent, mod- ern sales management, I can convince you. Am ready to apply 18 years' suc- cessful experience to the upbuilding of some good newspaper. Address Box care The Fourth Estate.

Circulation and advertising man with a record of 20 years suceessful work seeks position in the West or Southwest. Ad- dress Box 702. care The Fourth Estate.

Advertising Man

who has made great success; advertis- ing and business manager one paper ten years, another seven; wishes make change. Forceful advertisment writer and all round man, Age 42; active and hard worker. Address Box 917, care The Fourth Estate.

We can Increase Your Business, You want it Increased, don't you?

Of course you have thought of Press Clippings yourself— but let us tell you how Press Clippings can be made a BUSINESS-BUILDER for you. "BURRELLE"



60 and 62 Warren Street NEW YORK HEMSTREET PRESS CLIPPINGS Tenth Avenue at 45th Street NEW YORK CITY