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this problem for him. They had observed his encounter with Dean Pennypacker and the taller of the two had commented, Tipe the latest sport-model Freshman with the old-fashioned trimmings. Let's ride him." The youth who had made this remark was Dan Sheldon, a Sophomore who was said on the campus to make Simon Legree look like the Good Samaritan.

Dan, as spokesman for the duo, now addressed Harold blandly, "Entering man?"

Harold nodded appreciatively.

"Have you been assigned a car to take you to the college?"

"Why—no," Harold stammered, in considerable relief that now a problem was about to be solved for him.

"Then come along with us, Freshman," said the tall youth briskly.

They led him around the station to an open touring car parked at the curb. A Negro chauffeur lolled asleep at the wheel. Harold's guides silently indicated that he and his bags were to enter the tonneau. Harold obeyed, spreading his luggage about him and settling back with a luxurious air. Tate certainly received her Freshmen in style! Harold shut the door of the car smartly. Sheldon and his companion retired swiftly from the scene.

The snapping-shut of the door awoke the