Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/172

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don. "Did I ever fail to bring one of your pieces of junk back safely?"

"Yes," said Jake shortly. "Once."

Harold had expected that the others, of course, would chip in with him to pay for the car hire. But none of them made a move to accept or decline Jake's offer. He looked around vainly at their blank faces.

The Freshman gulped and then he said weakly, "Well, that sounds all right to me. We'll take a car."

"I'll drive her," Sheldon offered at once.

"I ought to raise the price then," Jake opined grimly. He walked over to a secondhand touring car and said, "This is her." But he did not permit them to enter the veteran vehicle until Harold had handed over ten dollars and received the receipt.

Sheldon proved to be a fast and reckless driver. They sped over ten or more macadam miles of scenery as flat and uninteresting as Harold's native landscape. The roads were clogged with cars, and Harold, seated in the front seat beside the nonchalant driver, saw eternity loom up before his affrighted eyes many times. But in about thirty minutes they entered the corporate limits of Lakeport as evidenced by the mammoth sign, "Welcome to Lakeport. The Lake Breeze Metropolis." Another five minutes and they were in sight