Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/187

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of the competition before its long hard course was half run.

"Hap" Hopkins was a thin, earnest, terrifically aggressive Freshman who was desperately determined to become photographer of the "Tattler" board. Armed with a huge camera, he went dashing around the campus, the town and the athletic fields "shooting" everything in sight. He got under the feet of the football players. He had earned the wrath of Dean Pennypacker by attempting to stop that dignified personage while he was horseback-riding on a bridlepath outside of Tate. Hopkins had leaped from behind a bush, snapping his shutter as he came and nearly frightening the dean's nag out of a year's growth.

Hopkins had witnessed "Speedy" Lamb's performance in the Tate auditorium. He had heard the campus talk about "Speedy" since that time. Particularly among the upperclassmen members of the "Tattler" board who did their loafing around the paper's offices in East Hall "Speedy" had been mentioned with frequency and laughter. The eccentric Freshman's habit of dancing a jig when introduced, his awkward attempts at popularity, his ice cream "blow-out" were very ludicrous to the sophisticated "Tattler" journalists. "Speedy" came perilously near, in their