Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/189

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tier" editors with three times as much stuff as they could possibly use and could guarantee the appearance of nothing.

Nevertheless, when Harold picked up his "Tattler" from the Sayre front porch on his way to breakfast the following Saturday and opened at once to the pictorial section, he saw that Hopkins's masterpiece had been accepted. Smiling out from the center of the left-hand page, one hand extended in greeting, was the jaunty figure of "Speedy" Lamb. Under the photograph was the caption: "'Speedy' the Spender. This frisky Freshman is just a regular fellow who is leaving a trail of empty ice cream cones in his wake."

Here was the official recognition of his fame and popularity! To be photographed for the "Tattler" after only three weeks in college! The paper sacred to Chester Trask resting upon the famous sundial. He hurried back upstairs with the precious paper and sat down upon his bed to study the evidence of his renown with more meticulous care. He secured scissors and slit out the cocky figure of "'Speedy' the Spender" and the explanatory caption. Walking over to the wall near his dresser, he thoughtfully regarded the clipping of Chester Trask in football uniform that he had pinned there. Every day he had been accustomed to gaze at the great Trask and