Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/192

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man turned. Somebody shouted, "It's Chet Trask!" Instantly Harold's audience piled out of the hotel entrance, leaving him alone.

Dan Sheldon, the last to leave, paused to grin and tell his protégé, "You see, you can never be as popular as Chet Trask unless you play on the football team." And Dan, catching up with his pal, Garrity, winked broadly at the pudgy Sophomore.

Football! Golly, Harold thought, he hadn't gone out for the football team yet! In the rush of things he had neglected it.

"I'll go out for football then!" he cried to nobody in particular and brought his fist down upon the balustrade of the stairs near Peggy's counter. His fist struck something soft. Harold looked, nervous, and saw he had crushed a hat resting on the balustrade. It belonged to the tall, dignified-looking man standing there talking to another gentleman. Dean Pennypacker! Harold was horrified. But the dean relieved the frightened Freshman's mind by putting on his hat without noticing its battered condition and walking out of the hotel.

Harold lingered around the lobby of the hotel a little longer and had the pleasure of escorting Peggy home.

"I mailed copies of the 'Tattler' with my picture in it to my folks," he told her proudly.