Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/247

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Lying on his bed he read the item about the Fall Frolic in the "Campus Chatter" column:

Who's the lucky freshman?

As the season for the annual Fall Frolic approaches, the campus is buzzing with rumors as to who will be the genial host at this popular carnival of dance, dames and dazzle. It is a Tate tradition that the Freshman who sponsors the Frolic is "made" for the rest of his college course as far as popularity with the student body is concerned. It is recalled at this time that our great leader, Chester Trask, was host at the Frolic his Freshman year. And look where Trask stands to-day! Freshmen, look into this. Here's your chance to come to the front with a bang!

Harold digested this sprightly piece of news, which was really a disguised invitation, with gusto. Then he had a wild thought. Why shouldn't he be the Frolic host? He was a popular man. He was on the football team. Why not crown his activities by sponsoring the Frolic? Chester Trask had done it. If he followed now in Chester's footsteps with this social venture, he would at once become Chester's equal. Nay, even Chester's superior!

In the exuberance of the moment, Harold