Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/249

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Hardly had Harold completed the operation of shifting the photographs when his door was opened. Briskly Dan Sheldon walked in, smiling like the cat who is about to swallow the canary.

"Well, 'Speedy,' got the dope on the Frolic all right?" Dan asked.

"Yes, I read it," Harold returned.

"Looks like a great chance for you, old kid."

"Why, what do you mean, Dan?" As if Harold did not know what Dan meant.

"Why, you're the ideal host for the Frolic this year, 'Speedy.' It's made to order for you." Dan hitched Harold's other chair up closer and waxed confidential. "Now, looka here. You throw this party and you'll be ab-so-lute-ly king of the campus. Positively guaranteed. Everybody in the whole college will think you're the gnat's collar button. On the level. You'll be able to have anything you want. You'll make a fraternity the minute you're eligible—that means next Fall. You'll make the football team. You'll—"

"You really mean it, Dan?" Harold asked eagerly. "You mean being host at the Frolic ivill cinch me my place on the team?"

"Sure. You don't think Trask can turn down the guy who's giving the Frolic, do