Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/255

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Handsome tuxedo coat and pants like this:


Morris Hertz

The College Tailor

28 University Street

Harold paid a business visit to Morris Hertz that evening. The outside of Mr. Hertz's emporium was very unprepossessing. It was located in the poorer section of Tate, a one-story rickety wooden shop lighted by a hissing gas burner. As Harold doubtfully pushed open the door, a bell jangled, warning the tailor in his single-room apartment in the rear of the shop that a customer had entered. Harold stood for five minutes in the empty, dusty store before the proprietor appeared wiping his butter-stained lips with the back of his hand.

In response to Harold's question, the tailor rolled out a bolt of black goods.

"Sure I can make you a tuxedo," he assured the Freshman. "Just like the one on my card. Thirty-eight fifty. Gar'nteed fine job."

"Can you have it done by the twenty-fourth—sure?" Harold asked.