Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/266

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University Street after the speeding Freshman.

When Harold reached the street, there was not a sign of a conveyance in sight. He commenced at once to walk and covered the half mile between Hertz's and the Hotel Tate in record time. He stopped only at the florist shop near the hotel to buy a bouquet of flowers for Peggy Sayre. Even in his excitement about his tuxedo and his uncertainty as to the garment's durability, he was thinking of Peggy. He was more disappointed than he would admit even to himself that she was not to be his partner at the Frolic. Any faint resentment he might recently have held against her had vanished. He wanted to do something for Peggy that would show this. He wanted to give her something that would make her feel that she was part of the Frolic too, something that would give a hint of the deep regard he had for her. So he took some time and money and bought her a modest bouquet.

Meantime, Peggy was genuinely worried. She had seen Grace Beach arrive, alone. She had observed Delphine Smythe stroll laughingly in, accompanied by Leonard Trask and Joe Bartlett. But there was no sign of Harold!

Then, at quarter to eleven, he came racing