Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/271

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caught on a hook in the back of the college widow's dress.

Totally unconscious of the damage she had wrought and of the fact that she was retaining her escort's coat sleeve, Grace tripped rapidly through the mob in the direction of Delphine. Harold, in an agony of embarrassment, striving to ignore the surprised smiles of the people as he passed, hurried after her. Passing Jergens' Jazz Jongleurs, temporarily resting on their little raised platform from their labors, he spotted what he thought at first was his missing sleeve. Had Grace dropped it by accident? He snatched at the piece of black cloth lying near the orchestra platform and pulled it over his white shirt sleeve. Then he discovered that it was the protective cloth cover on the slide trombone.

Finally, in the maze, he located Grace laughing and chatting with some friends. Hoping to cause as little trouble as possible, he yanked his missing sleeve from her dress, where she still innocently held it, and made off without a word. Thus he did not see her turn sharply to the young man standing beside her and slap him soundly in the face for what she esteemed his impertinence for snatching at her dress!

Pushing the loose sleeve surreptitiously back into place, Harold, now red-faced and per-