Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/273

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Hertz then thrust his own hand with the money out from the curtain and into the extended paw of Dan Sheldon. Harold looked down in surprise. To his dismay he discovered that the tailor had delivered a twenty-dollar bill to Dan! He could not allow that. He must get it back. He waited until Dan turned to speak to a girl who had come up to him. Then Harold reached over and deftly lifted the money from the Sophomore's vest pocket, where the latter had carelessly pushed it.

The girl who had attracted the attention of the unfortunate Sheldon proved to be Grace Beach. She had been hob-nobbing with Joe Bartlett and Leonard Trask and others. She was feeling rather kittenish. She now came gayly up to Harold and seized his free hand.

"Let's go and eat, Harold," she cried. "I'm starved!"

She attempted to pull him away. But Morris Hertz, from behind the curtain, held fast. Harold, hardly knowing what to do, nervously ran his fingers up and down the side of his trousers. With fatal effect! For the thread at which he was agitatedly plucking was the basting cord holding together his trouser leg. As he pulled at it, he felt a cool breeze strike his bare flesh. He looked down