Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/278

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we're engaged. Aren't we, Peggy?" retorted Harold promptly.

But Peggy was silent.

"Well, you're certainly the gentlemanly host," Grace turned upon Harold. "First you keep me waiting half the night. Then you sneak away to kiss coat-room attendants. I'm through with you, Mr. 'Speedy' Lamb. Joe Bartlett has offered to act as my escort for the rest of the evening, and I've accepted. He's at least a gentleman. Good night."

"GOOD NIGHT!" cried Harold with an unexpected flash of spirit. Peggy secretly applauded.

Then a young whirlwind of femininity came whisking in and, laying hold of Harold, jerked him away from Peggy. Dan Sheldon had dared his girl, a wild little flapper from Miss Davis's Select School, in North Tate, to rush "Speedy" and drag him back to the dance floor. The flapper was overdoing it. She yanked him with all the strength of her lithe young body, yanked him until the rest of the frail buttons holding his trousers to his suspenders snapped with a sickening crack. Helpless though protesting, he was pulled madly out upon the floor into the presence of the snickering Tatians.

His trousers were falling. He made wild clutches at them suspenders slipped