Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/285

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finishing with the absurd posture and the cocky invitation, "I'm just a regular fellow. Step right up and call me 'Speedy.'" Flappers screamed with delight. Students guffawed. Other collegians in various corners of the room mimicked the "Speedy" step. The room was filled with jiggers and laughter. Somebody started singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," but the song broke up in sarcastic merriment before the first stanza was ended. Another group shouted 'Speedy' Lamb is a good old soul," and were answered by a gathering from the other side of the room yelling "Sure, he's the boob that pays the toll!"

Then "Speedy," silent and shocked, saw Chester Trask walk out to the center of the floor and talk with some of the ring-leaders of the scandalous mirthfulness. Chester was grave-faced and was evidently protesting.

But Harold did not wait to see any more. He turned helplessly to Dan Sheldon, who walked by him with an air of sneering triumph and on out to the dance floor. Harold's stricken eyes followed his tormentor. Then they turned reluctantly to Peggy. She was regarding him with a look of infinite pity. She loved this poor, misguided boy even more than her own heart knew. She wished she could shield him, protect him forever. There