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was still in his mind and helped him to recover and feel strong again. Peggy's eyes, regarding him earnestly, showed relief as he straightened and looked at her. Her face became bright with the look of a crusader.

"Harold, you haven't been true to yourself," she told him frankly. "You've been pretending to be what you thought they wanted you to be."

Harold smarted a little at this revelation. But he had to admit it was true. He made as if to speak, but thought better of it and was silent.

Peggy clenched small fists, narrowed her eyes and thrust out her small, smooth chin as if she too were about to attack some lurking Dan Sheldon.

"Stop pretending, Harold!" she cried. "Be yourself! Get out and make them like you for what you really are and what you can do!"

Harold was as deeply stirred by the grim vehemence of her words as by their import. The same fiery spirit that gripped her adorable body assailed his too. He had never loved her so much as now. He would willingly die for her. Die for her if it would show her and Tate that he had the stuff in him that heroes are made of! No task would be too great, no risk too dangerous!