Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/311

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tieth Century Limited with their bare chests, if necessary. They were like new and inspired men during the second half. Moreover, the Western backfield having extended a prodigious effort in the first part of the game, were tired.

Tate, holding their opponents, secured possession of the ball. The "Big Four" got under way. Crawford, always especially good in a tight game, manipulated the Tate backs like a master. The home team punched over for a touchdown and the game ended 6-0.

It developed that Crawford's work was all the more remarkable because he had been playing the entire second half with a wrenched ankle, sustained when he was violently set upon by three Western interferers on the occasion of the red-headed fullback's sensational run. The Tate line came out of the game in a battered condition also. Cavendish took everybody who had played in the game to Lakeport for a rest over the week-end. They were a sober lot. Having met their only opponent of the season that shaped up anywhere near the strength of Union State, the Tate warriors had exhibited a sievelike line, a backfield that had only been able to get going in the last fifteen minutes of play and a general sloppiness that did not augur at all well. While the Tate hordes snake-danced and re-