Page:The Freshman (1925).pdf/350

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to the referee, a whistle blew, the new quarterback crouched behind Mershon and the game was on again. Hollister sent Trask against the Union State center and the captain made six yards. Blythe hit right tackle and lost three precious yards of Trask's gain. Trask hit the same spot and made them back again. Hollister started calling signals and Trask interrupted him. The captain ran over to his quarterback.

"The fool doesn't know enough to call for a punt," ranted Mike.

The signal was changed and Trask punted. The old story of the first half was repeated. Tate was continually on the defensive. Back, back they were pushed. Three times they stopped the Union State advance within ten yards of a touchdown, thanks to demoniacal tackling by Trask, Blythe and Houghton, the Red and White backfield men. Union State did not once punt, confident that they could get their yardage by rushing. Tate, in possession of the ball, seemed sluggish on their feet. The linemen failed to open gaps. Trask and Blythe plunged into stone walls. Houghton, running the ends, saw his interference dumped and himself nailed by tvvo and three Blue tacklers at once. Union State had it over Tate like a blanket and only luck and frenzied last-minute stands on the part of their oppo-